移除policy(例如: /dev/sdb)的指令為:
dscli disk unprotect sdb
2011-10-12 17:25:38 (T148482960) |R| Protection for disk /dev/sdb with mirror disk /dev/sdk is stopping
2011-10-12 17:25:38 (T148482960) |R| Protection thread for disk /dev/sdb with mirror disk /dev/sdk stopped
2011-10-12 17:25:38 (T99330960) |R| Restore mount information of protection for disk /dev/sdb with mirror disk /dev/sdk successfully when stopping it
2011-10-12 17:25:38 (T99330960) |C| [INFO] Disk /dev/sdb:0 protection stopped.
2011-10-12 17:25:38 (T99330960) |R| Succeeded to switch status from started to stopped for disk /dev/sdb with mirror disk /dev/sdk
2011-10-12 17:25:38 (T99330960) |R| SNMP message to IPStor server CDP7-10-23 : Disk VMware__Virtual_disk____6000c29b4ff6cb62e43d4336e7c7736d:0 protection stopped.
2011-10-12 17:25:38 (T99330960) |R| Suceeded to remove protection for disk /dev/sdb with mirror disk /dev/sdk
2011-10-12 17:25:40 (T99330960) |I| Successfully unassigned device id 410 with protocol 4 from IPStor server CDP7-10-23
2011-10-12 17:25:40 (T99330960) |R| dsksaferpc_disablemirror_1_svc, Unassign mirror disk /dev/sdk successfully
2011-10-12 17:25:40 (T99330960) |I| Refresh disks information begin...
2011-10-12 17:25:40 (T99330960) |I| Getting disks information from kernel driver...
2011-10-12 17:25:40 (T99330960) |I| Got disks information from kernel driver
2011-10-12 17:25:40 (T99330960) |R| Disk 2208 removed, ID: FALCON__IPSTOR_DISK_____6000d77cf548439b761e00004e954e5d
2011-10-12 17:25:40 (T99330960) |I| Refresh disks information end
2011-10-12 17:25:40 (T99330960) |I| dsksaferpc_disablemirror_1_svc OUT